This Entire Village 100 Percent Inhibited by Muhammadiyah’s Member

This Entire Village 100 Percent Inhibited by Muhammadiyah’s Member


SORONG, Suara Muhammadiyah – Warmon Kokoda village located in Mayamuk District, Sorong, Papua, is one of  foremost, disadvantaged and isolated area (3T) that is being developed by Muhammadiyah. Through Society Empowerment Committee (MPM) of Muhammadiyah Central Board, Muhammadiyah has given the great impact on the lives of Kokoda Tribe member. The member of Kokoda Tribe that were used to nomadic living, now are having their own legal land to be inhabited.

The Chairperson of Muhammadiyah Central Board Haedar Nashir handed over the Muhammadiyah grant land certificate to the Kokoda Tribe included its 55 permanent housings at Saturday (1/12). Besides, through the long proccess, Kokoda Tribe members now already had their access to sanitation, road, mosque, school, and administration. The Kokoda Tribe was also trained and introduced to the use of technology like using computer and doing correspondence.

At early 1996, The Kokoda Tribe was trying to inhabit Wormon Village but it was a transmigrant majority land. Later on the tribe struggle for living by building houses which the material used mostly coming from leaves. The tie between Muhammadiyah and Kokoda Tribe then started to develop along with the initiation of Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Muhammadiyah Sorong which now have gained its new status as Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah (Unimuda).

The Wormon head of village Ari Syamsuddin Namugur said that Warmon Kokoda is the only one that called as Muhammadiyah village in Indonesia. “Eventhough Muhammadiyah was initiated in Yogyakarta, theres no such Muhammadiyah Village there. We’re a hundred percent Muhammadiyah here, and we aspire to realize the wish of Ahmad Dahlan for the progressive Muhammadiyah, that giving all the best for nation.”

Rector of Unimuda, Rustamaji, said that Kokoda Tribe is very unique. “Here’s the best way for us to do virtue, to develop Kokoda and to make them empowered. This is where Muhammadiyah can play its part,” he added.

The Head of MPM of Muhamamdiyah Central Board M Nurul Yamin said that preaching through society empowerment has changed the lives of Kokoda Tribe member without separating them from  their local wisdom.

“Muhammadiyah has been present through its dakwah bil hal or preaching by giving the example. Such method, has given a significant impact to Kokoda Tribe members,” Yamin said.

Muhammadiyah presence, Yamin added, in entire Indonesia is a concrete action to show the power of sharing and helping each other, including the goverment for nationwide. MPM also come together with Muhammadiyah owned university in Sorong like Unimuda and UM Sorong for this mission. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) has been regulary sending its student on community service (KKN) since 2016.

Now, not less than 185 family or about 1.000 people are living in Warmon Kokoda village. Haedar Nashir as a Chairperson of Muhammadiyah Central Board getting his hands on for the empowerment mission that has been running by MPM, to mend the bad memory of the 2000’s eviction. “We always feel like we’re in our own village here,” Haedar said. (Riz/Th)

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